*Learn and Practice Important Percentage Fraction Values which often come in various Compititive Exams like SSC CGL, CHSL, MTS, Railways NTPC, GROUP D, IBPS, Bank PO etc. It will help you in solving Percentage, Profit and Loss questions quickly and easily.
*App contains 1000+ important mathematics Formula built in, so you do not have to look into a textbook or on the internet.
*Learn Important Pythagorean Tripples or Tripplets which will help you in solving question related to Right Triangles and Trigonometry.
*Learn Trigonometric Ratios easily.
*Learn Squares , Square Roots and Cube Roots which will help you in solving Sequence and Series in Reasoning Section easily and also it will help you in Quantitative Aptitude Section.
*Practice Addition and Subtraction, it will help you in training your mind for rapid calculation. It will help you in doing Addition and Subtraction quickly.
*Learn Alphabets Numbers, it is definitely gonna help you in solving Reasoning questions based on Alphabets sequence quickly and easily like series, coding and decoding etc.
*Learn and Practice any Number Table to sharpen your mind.
🔰RooTree🔰Quantitative Aptitude✔️And Reasoning✔️ is a Free Maths Quiz App for Android Devices.
It will help you in boosting your General Intelligence and Reasoning. This app contains Maths Square Roots and Cube games as well as it is a Multiplication Learning App also.🔰RooTree🔰 also contains Alphabet Games which will help you in learning 🔠Aphabets 🔢 Position or Order serial wise and it will help you in solving Sequence and Series questions easily and 🚀fast in competitive exams like CGL. To crack Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning section of any Compititative Exam you have to 🤔remember Multiplication Tables or Multiplication Chart up to 25 or 35 for 🚀speed maths calculation📟 and this maths app RooTree Quantitative Aptitude And Reasoning will help you in learning any range of Multiplication Tables easily in a 🤩game like manner and you will not feel like you are 😴😴learning anything but playing. 🔰RooTree🔰Quantitative Aptitude✔️And Reasoning✔️ maths app does not have any range limit like Multiplication Chart upto 100 only, you can set your desired range limit whether it is 1 to 10, 13 to 40 or 99 to 9999 and even more. Learn Maths Square Roots and Cubes in a quiz like fashion. It is your daily quiz app for SSC CGL like exams. This app will not help you in cracking any competition exam alone but it will definitely 🖇️help you in making your maths base 💪stronger for competitive exams. It will help you in saving your precious ⏱️time during compititative exams where every second matters.
Whats Inside :
Learn Maths Multiplication Tables :
This Activity is dedicated to Multiplication Tables. It Contains 3 Different Games where you have to answer what comes in the place of ❓question mark Symbol.
1.) 13 X 5 = ?
2.) 13 X ? = 65
3.) ? X ? = 65
Learn Maths Squares Game :
This Activity is dedicated to Maths Squares. You have to answer what comes in the place of ❓question mark.
1.) 12² = ?
Learn Maths Square Roots Game :
This Activity is dedicated to Maths Square Roots. You have to answer what comes in the place of ❓question mark.
1.) √144 = ?
Learn Maths Cubes Game :
This Activity is dedicated to Maths Cubes. You have to answer what comes in the place of ❓question mark.
1.) 8³ = ?
Learn Maths Cube Roots Game :
This Activity is dedicated to Maths Cube Roots. You have to answer what comes in the place of ❓question mark.
1.) ³√512 = ?
Learn Alphabet Games :
This Activity is dedicated to Alphabets Positions and Serials ⏩Straight and Reverse⏪. This Activity contains Four alphabet games. Two for learning Straight Alphabet Position and two for learning Reverse Alphabet Position.
Straight⏩ :
1.) D = ? (answer is 4)
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